Monthly Archives

July 2015

Compliance and the board
July 8, 2015

Compliance and the Board: 3 Expert Opinions

As regulatory oversight increases, so does the importance of managing compliance risk. Given its purpose and charge of protecting the company, the Board can't afford to sit idly and leave the task of managing compliance risk entirely to others. Today, three experts weigh in on where the Board of Directors…
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July 8, 2015

How Do I Stay Motivated During My Job Search?

By: Taunee Besson Q: "A recent layoff put me in a job search mode again. The last time I looked for a new position, it was really hard to maintain my motivation. Do you have any tips on what I can do to stay positive and productive?" A: A job…
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July 2, 2015

Poverty Mentality Leads to Poor Decisions

We think of self-esteem, confidence and mindset as an individual’s internal locus of power and control. These factors determine and guide a person’s beliefs, behaviors and decisions—the combination explaining a person’s success. When we discuss this concentration of perceptions in an organization, we use words like “brand” and “culture,” but…
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July 1, 2015

Networking and Finding a Mentor

By: Taunee Besson "It's not what you know, but who you know that gets you the job... the contract... the promotion." "If you want a new friend, ask a stranger for aid." "To be successful, you must have a mentor." "Don't expect a headhunter's help, if he doesn't know you…
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