Leadership and career

Make Your Point in 30 Seconds

By April 7, 2011 No Comments

How long is the average television commercial? 30 seconds. Why? This is due to time constraints and the fact that the attention span of most people is 30 seconds.

I am not implying that an entire conversation will last only 30 seconds. I am saying that a well delivered message within a conversation will fit within this guideline.

This is best achieved by following this simple format:

  • Develop a clear objective. What is your goal? What do you want to accomplish with the conversation?
  • Who is your audience? Who is in position to get you what you want?
  • What is the right approach to get what you want? How do you satisfy the needs of your listener to get what you want?
  • What is your hook? How will you best obtain the attention of your audience?
  • The close. Ask for what you want.

Example: An employee wanting to take a continuing education course speaking to his/her supervisor. John, the implementation of SAP is critical to the company’s strategic plan. I believe it would benefit our team if I would become familiar with SAP prior to the implementation. There is a course being offered at XWZ University March 10th that I would like to attend. Please let me know so that I may enroll.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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