If you are or have been flooded with resumes, you know how tedious and difficult it can be to give all of them the attention they deserve. There are programs out there effective at searching resumes for keywords or points of attention, but ATS solutions make the most sense for large corporations. if you’re a smaller business, Kazim Ladimeji has several ways to effectively get through all those resumes. Here’s how:
Look at what matters. The six most-looked-at areas of a resume by professional recruiters are:
- Name
- Current title/company
- Previous title/company
- Previous position start and end dates
- Current position start and end dates
- Education
Sub-vocalizing is a no. Sub-vocalizing is where you are literally sounding out each word in your head, though your lips, or out loud. While this may help you focus on what you’re reading, it drastically slows down reading pace. Practice skimming and retaining, or follow your finger tracing the line of text faster than you would normally read – anything to get it done faster.
Oh, the periphery. Larger chunks of text, especially full sentences, can be read faster if you train your peripheral vision to pick up on key words outside of what you’re training your eyes on. This takes practice, but it can eliminate key minutes in the selection process.
Above all, remove distractions. We all know how hard it is to get anything done efficiently when we’re also browsing the Internet or texting, so set aside time to completely devote your attention to your work.
Read the full article here.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.