
5 Ways to get a Better Job (Someday)

shutterstock_162536324By Maurice Gilbert

We all remember the cringe-worthy scene in Glengarry Glen Ross when Alec Baldwin unleashes a torrent of verbal abuse on Jack Lemmon and Ed Harris. Sent by the home office to motivate a sagging sales team, Baldwin snarls, “Coffee is for Closers!”   and follows it up with, “A…B…C…! Always…B…Closing!”

I bring up the 1922 David Mamet masterpiece not to make you feel fretful about this month’s sales goals — but to make a point about whatever bigger, broader career goal you may be in pursuit of.

And you ARE in pursuit of something bigger and broader right now, aren’t you?

You should be.

Forget “Always Be Closing” for a moment. Instead, “Always be Considering.”

Here’s what I mean by that:

Your swift rise to the top of your profession and to the job of your dreams lies in your ability to raise (and tune) your opportunity antenna. I advise professionals to continuously be looking for new career opportunities. Be looking, of course, during the dark times when your find yourself unchallenged, unappreciated or unmotivated. But also be looking when things at your current post are going well.

Am I advising you to compromise your loyalty to your current employer? Of course not. Sometimes your next best opportunity isn’t at another firm – it’s right there within your department or in another department at the same company.

But you have to be tuned in. So put that coffee down (as Baldwin would say), and make sure you’re prepared to capitalize on new opportunities by:     

1. Developing new skills and technologies: Stay passionate about your craft. You chose this as your vocation, so make a commitment to stay curious and engaged.

2. Becoming active in professional trade groups on LinkedIn and in the “real” world: The way we network today has changed; the importance of human connections has not. Break through whatever anxiety or hesitation you may have about forming and maintaining valuable professional relationships. And remember: you have something to offer as well as something to gain. Figure out what that is and then act on it.

3. Networking within and outside your company: Same as above, but you get to show off your “I’m a team player” jersey while you do it. Never a bad idea.

4. Making your career interests known within your network: Speak up. Share your goals and dreams. You’ll be surprised how eager others may be to help you grow and succeed.

5. Having your resume updated and ready at all times: This one’s common knowledge, but it’s not common practice. Is yours up to date? Put the coffee down and go update it, would you?

There. That’s my motivational speech for today. Being successful is not an accident; it requires you to take the initiative to find opportunities and develop the skills to match. So A.B.C. Always be considering.

And if you happen to be considering a career move in governance, risk or compliance, check out the job listings (and the GRC commentary, articles and news) onhttp://www.corporatecomplinaceinsights.com


Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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