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A Shift in Knowledge Management May Mean Improved Performance

By September 16, 2013 No Comments
Several hands holding young plant

Several hands holding young plantAccording to a report published in July by the University of Greenwich, many organizations have built and rely upon training programs that focus on the wrong thing.  Transforming Knowledge Management stresses placing less focus on learning about things to focus more squarely on learning how best to do things.  Practice trumps theoretical understanding.

Professor and Researcher Colin Coulson-Thomas explains that what many companies’ knowledge management programs need is “a shift in emphasis from knowing to doing.”

The report outlines an approach that involves assessing what will be required of staff, determining steps in work processes that have the greatest impacts and putting in place a performance support system to communicate expectations, provide guidance and ultimately facilitate the team’s successes on difficult assignments.

“Personalized help,” Coulson-Thomas says, “should be accessible 24/7 wherever people are,” providing insight into approaches used by the company’s highest performers.  Teams striving to emulate the most successful staff can be critical in keeping the workgroup and the organization “current, competitive, and vital.”

Among the benefits of this guidance – most likely issuing from those aforementioned top performers – are custom responses, greater productivity, and reduced stress, along with the likelihood of improved quality and reduced training time.

Click here to read more.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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