
Attitude: A Key to Career Success – Part 1

By February 22, 2011 No Comments

This is the first in a two part series on Attitude. Dr. Martin Seligman, an authority on optimism, discovered that attitude was a better predictor of success than I.Q., education, and other factors. Adopt the following attitudes to lead to success in the workplace.


1. Believe that you are in charge of your destiny. Successful professionals go out and make good things happen they don’t wait for things to happen.

2. Believe that anything is possible. As the saying goes, “whether you think you can or think you cannot you’re right.”

3. Do even the small tasks well. You never know when you will be noticed so take pride in everything you do.

4. Believe everyone is a potential key contact. Be professional, courteous and take interest in people around you. You never know when your past contacts will play a role in your future.

5. Stay enthusiastic about your present job. It may not be your dream job but your enthusiasm and top performance will provide other options.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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