All Posts By

Clark Conine

Leadership and career
October 28, 2015

3 Tips for Fostering a Unified Office Spirit Across Continents

When it came time for Shmulik Weller, CEO of SundaySky, to expand his company from Tel Aviv, Israel, and open a new U.S. headquarters in New York, he was challenged with maintaining the corporate culture as the business grew. Not only was the employee count growing quickly, but there were…
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Leadership and career
September 18, 2015

5 Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy

You see it all the time: midnight emails, dinnertime or weekend conference calls, projects finishing up in the wee hours of the morning. No one seems to work 9 to 5 anymore — not you, not your employees. To explore this “work anytime, anywhere” phenomenon, a new study conducted by the business-to-business…
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August 28, 2015

Don’t Get Testy with Salespeople

People frequently ask me about the advisability of testing sales people for pre-employment or succession planning. Don’t do it! I discourage the practice for several reasons. First, the skill set of salespeople differs from that of others in the organization. Certainly, the battery of tests I use would determine if…
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July 2, 2015

Poverty Mentality Leads to Poor Decisions

We think of self-esteem, confidence and mindset as an individual’s internal locus of power and control. These factors determine and guide a person’s beliefs, behaviors and decisions—the combination explaining a person’s success. When we discuss this concentration of perceptions in an organization, we use words like “brand” and “culture,” but…
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Leadership and career
June 5, 2015

And the Surveys Go On

In the past week I’ve experienced a notable increase in people asking my opinion. That’s good news for a consultant who considers opinion-giving the coinage of her realm. But clients didn’t ask; businesses did. As I checked out of the FedEx store where I’d bought envelopes, the nice clerk handed…
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Leadership and career
April 28, 2015

Is Trust an Effective Control?

“You have to learn the rules of the game.  And then you have to play better than anyone else”  –  Albert Einstein You may not follow stock markets or politics in Europe but you may be aware of the economic turmoil in the European Union and the recent elections in…
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Leadership and career
April 20, 2015

How Wall Street Should Define Culture

“Culture,” the new buzzword of the financial recovery, has transformed from an ethereal, abstract otherworldly word to a blunt instrument for finding fault on myriad qualitative matters affecting the organization. When an individual, merger, or organization fails, culture takes the blame. We use the word fairly arbitrarily, citing it to…
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Leadership and career
January 21, 2015

Does Your Company Need a Sterile Cockpit?

Airline captains don’t have an "open door policy," and there’s a good reason for that. Aside from the obvious terrorist and crazy passenger threats, airline pilots realize they face another adversary: treacherous interruptions. In 1974, an Eastern Airlines flight carrying 78 passengers and four crew members crashed in dense fog during…
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Leadership and career
October 7, 2014

Excuse Me, Do You Mind if I Deliver Inferior Performance?

New excuses for inferior performance crop up just as fast as one can whack them down—reminiscent of Whack-a-Mole, a game that involved forcing individual plastic moles back into their holes by hitting them directly on the head with a mallet. This week I encountered a new breed of mole related…
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Leadership and career
September 10, 2014

Why Does Bill Gates Go to Work?

Any discussion of motivation should begin with an analysis of people who have shown great application of it. Arguably, those whom Fortune ranks among the wealthiest in the world might make the list, especially if money were the only criteria for measuring motivation. It’s not, but it does provide a way of…
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