In an employer’s market, those who find themselves still on the company payroll are happy to have their jobs. Well, “happy” might be a strong word. They’re grateful to be employed, yes, but as companies start to tighten the belt, it’s often their staff who feel the pinch the most. This comes in the form of extended workdays, pay freezes and cuts to all non-essential activities, including continuing development.
This very situation breeds “ghost turnover;” that is, workers who are disengaged, dissatisfied and confined in their roles because of a lack of career options. Lucy Beaumont, Solutions Director at Talent Q, recently offered several strategies she’s used to re-engage talent:
Put in place personalized solutions. Big data can only take you so far in analyzing trends. If surveys have revealed that additional development opportunities would boost satisfaction and engagement, find out what skills or concepts in particular your staff want to explore.
Dust off the company pocketbook. Beaumont advises that the time is now to start spending money on resources and solutions to improve engagement. Determine what motivates your staff. Financial reward is a huge motivating factor. But not all workers are motivated primarily by bonuses; for some, improved work-life balance or even additional opportunities for advancement can do the trick.
Provide ongoing management training for leaders. Much of the responsibility for maintaining an engaged workforce lies with first-line managers. If they’re poor communicators, fail to recognize good work or aren’t attuned with what motivates their staff, chances are they’re leading unhappy or disengaged teams.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.