
Leadership and career

Leadership and career
April 29, 2016

5 Communication Habits of Well-Understood Leaders

Did you know that if you say one thing to five different people, you’re having five completely different conversations at the same time? As it turns out, listeners aren’t capable of hearing your words in their pure and intended form because they have an "internal dialogue" going on that competes…
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Leadership and career
April 27, 2016

25 Reasons for Risk Management Failure

By: Richard Leblanc I recently spoke to directors and officers about oversight of risk management by Boards of Directors. I prepared a list of 25 reasons that risk management failure happens, based on my experience assisting Boards, including Boards that have failed and Boards that cannot afford to fail. Almost…
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Leadership and career
April 25, 2016

Silence Isn’t Golden

Q: I’m about to start a new position that took me a long time to find. I want to get off to a great start and develop a long-term career with my next employer. Based upon past experience, it seems doing a good job isn’t enough. What am I missing?…
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Leadership and career
April 22, 2016

Your Next Boss Could Be a Robot

Do you work for a robot? And no, I’m not referring to your supervisor’s lack of personality or sense of humor.  A recent report suggests that robots may soon be replacing humans in top management positions – even at the CEO level. Gulp! I don’t know about you, but while…
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Leadership and career
April 20, 2016

3 Ways Millennials Will Change Your Business

Last year, millennials surpassed Generation X in the workplace. Today, in the U.S., one in three workers is a millennial, someone between the ages of 18 and 34. They’re numerically the largest generation, standing strong at an estimated 80 million. But beyond the numbers, the millennial mindset is changing traditional views of business,…
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Leadership and career
April 18, 2016

How to Overcome Job Search Paralysis

Q: After 15 years as a geologist with a major oil company, I've been terminated. I understand why my firm can't afford to keep me and I appreciate its efforts to help me find another job through outplacement. Certainly, I'm grateful for the generous severance package I was given. My…
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Leadership and career
April 13, 2016

What Employees Do When No One is Looking

Are your colleagues a bunch of criminals? Didn’t think so. So why does so much compliance training focus exclusively on wrongdoing? Why not focus on the small, everyday behaviors that keep us all safe? Doing that will start to build a positive, compliance-based culture. Twenty years partnering with Fortune 500…
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Leadership and career
April 11, 2016

Interview to Stand Out From the Crowd

The person who gets the job offer isn't necessarily the one who's most qualified. It's the one who interviews the best. A savvy job seeker knows careful preparation is the key to a successful interview. To become the number one candidate, you must: Think ahead about your interviewer's questions Develop…
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Leadership and career
April 8, 2016

How to Stay Motivated at Work

Let’s get the most important point out of the way first: only YOU can motivate you. Motivation comes from within. I’ll be serving up some motivating tips in a moment, but it’s up to you to identify whatever’s standing in your way and then actually apply the tips to your life.…
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Leadership and career
April 6, 2016

Big Corporate Titles, Big Social Media Mistakes

By: Devin Redmond Social media gaffes know no corporate hierarchy.  With more and more execs using and being encouraged to use Social Media, the instant and public ramification of a gaffe, blunder or exploit, the stakes keep rising.  These can result in much more than embarrassment for the perpetrator and…
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