Ever wanted to know how your part-time employees are feeling about working for you? The Timewise Foundation did. They conducted a survey in the UK of 1,000 professional part-time workers and found that three-fourths of them feel “trapped” in their jobs. Tom Newcombe recently compiled the survey’s findings. Here’s what was discovered:
- About 75% of part-time employees haven’t been promoted since they started working. And 22% don’t expect to be.
- 63% believe that promotion won’t happen unless they increase their hours.
- 3% of job vacancies for part-time jobs offer more than £ 20,000 ($ 12894.08).
- 7 in 10 said they had downgraded their salary.
- 99% wish their employers had been clear about the offered job was part-time or flexible, and were unsure when to ask.
The Timewise Foundation co-founder Karen Mattison said “Work in the UK is undergoing a fundamental shift,” and it’s becoming more and more difficult to for employees to fit their careers around their personal lives. Which calls into question: what are you doing to make sure your part-time employees are content?
Read the full article summary of the survey here.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.