Why should your company use an executive search firm? That’s an easy one: you don’t have time to recruit top talent yourself. It’s that simple.
There’s a difference between working ON your business and working IN your business. At your level, you can’t afford to devote time to recruiting and screening applicants for your open position. After all – the very fact that you have an open position suggests you’re already short-handed. Just to drive this point home: how many emails are in your in-box right now? Now, imagine an additional 100 messages per day – most of them from under-qualified job applicants.
An executive recruiter with experience in your industry can quickly tap into the talent pool and provide you with pre-screened applicants. A skilled recruiter will even provide you with a standardized profile of each applicant so that it’s easy to compare one to another.
You can’t get to the top without the headhunters. That’s as true for businesses as it is for established and emerging leaders. The world’s top headhunters control access to the lion’s share of C-suite succession and leader-replacement searches for the world’s largest corporations. Their influence also extends to the top ranks of the most ambitious smaller companies, which understand how crucial top talent is and are willing to pay for it.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.