While teleworking options are more popular than ever, relocations are still very much a part of the recruiting game. Among some highly sought-after and specialized professionals, they’re almost a way of life. But it’s not easy to sell most candidates on the prospect of packing their bags and leaving the country. Or the state. Or even the town, depending on just how far behind they’ll be leaving family and friends. When a partner and kids are factors in the equation, the negotiations get more challenging.
So how do you sweeten the deal when you’ve got a perfect candidate reluctant to move? Recruiter.com offers some key suggestions to help win over a long-distance candidate.
Foot the bill. Offer to pay all relocation expenses, from the cost of flights and shipping fees to expenses associated with moving vans, short-term storage and setting up utilities. Not only is moving a major expense, but – according to the Holmes and Rahe stress scale – it’s also among life’s most stressful events. If you’re able, remove the cost of the move from your top candidate’s decision-making process.
Advance their salary. If you’re considering far-flung candidates, you’re probably already paying competitively. Compensation is a key consideration for candidates, particularly if there is a question of being uprooted for the sake of the job. Increasing the compensation package could be central to getting the “yes” you’re after.
Give your candidate a little bump up the ladder. Most often job seekers who are relocating are doing so for a promotion rather than a lateral move. Consider working with the candidate to align the role more closely with his or her career goals. Perhaps add responsibilities or increase the scope of the role slightly to smooth the candidate’s path for future advancement.
Support the family in the move. The 2012 Brookfields Global Relocation survey revealed that one of the most significant barriers to relocations is the family’s difficulty in adjusting. Spousal/partner and family support can include assistance in finding a job for the trailing partner, help with school selection and even cross-cultural training if the relocation involves an international move.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.