Can the quality of the candidates you hire be affected by your employer brand? The answer is an unequivocal “Yes!” Gone are the days of getting by with just an employer brand statement on your website. Today’s candidates research your company to see how others feel about it and what they say about it. More and more, top candidates search websites like Glassdoor to get the inside scoop on what current and past employees really think about your company. Not only can potential candidates get an overview from the company’s perspective, they can also see how the employees rate the company and the CEO, get salary information and view the pros and cons from the employee perspective.
Think of your employer brand as word-of-mouth advertising about your company for the talent you want to recruit and make a concentrated effort to continually manage this brand. So, how do you do that? According to 3 Things You Should Know About Strong Employment Brands, it takes the buy-in from the CEO and the leadership team, solid recruiting metrics and data, and collaboration between stakeholder departments.
If you don’t have an employer brand or if it is weak, consider putting together a team of stakeholders from various departments to create and manage the brand. By creating and maintaining a strong employer brand, you can attract and retain the top talent in the business.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.