“Culture,” the new buzzword of the financial recovery, has transformed from an ethereal, abstract otherworldly word to a blunt instrument for finding fault on myriad qualitative matters affecting the organization. When an individual, merger, or organization fails, culture takes the blame. We use the word fairly arbitrarily, citing it to explain why things don’t change, won’t change, or can’t change. It’s that subtle yet powerful driver that leaders strive—often futilely—to influence.
No one seems to know what it means, what it looks like, what symptoms indicate it works, or how to measure it. The new rabbit that both leaders and regulators want to chase, culture jumps from one issue to another before it disappears down a hole, only to resurface with the problems it spawned while in hiding.
Organizational improvement starts with a new definition of culture: BAR, Beliefs, Actions, and Results. Beliefs reflect those perceptions that leaders consider “correct.” Over time, the group learns that certain beliefs, or values, work to reduce indecision and doubt in critical areas of the organization’s functioning—all leading to actions (decisions) and the results of those actions.
When leaders continually and constantly grapple with the tough questions and develop a list of standards that serves as more than a mouse pad, these beliefs serve as the bedrock of the organization’s strategy and provide guidelines about how and what to change and what everyone needs to learn in the process. Defining culture is only the first step, however. Measuring it offers more challenges.
Leaders can’t measure organizational culture the way we assess chlorine levels in a swimming pool, but if they start with a list of criteria for evaluating the environment around them, they move closer to controlling it. Notice these:
An inability among senior leaders to articulate the organization’s strategy
Excessive risk taking
Fines and other adverse regulatory or legal events
Financial losses
“Workarounds” or other deviations from protocols
Persistent customer complaints or the loss of key customers
Turnover among high potential
Resistance to innovation
An inability to learn from mistakes
A tolerance for code of conduct violations
Measuring things like how often people go to happy hour together or where they rank themselves and others on a happy-to-grumpy scale will provide no useful information. Not one shred of evidence exists to indicate that happy employees act more ethically than unhappy ones, but theorists persist in measuring this and other interesting but irrelevant data.
Knowing what to look for and then making decisions to act on the information can turn things around, however. Success is about ideas—not style—and leadership is about tying those ideas to core beliefs, making the right decisions, and expecting dramatic results. Only when leaders understand this new paradigm will they be able to raise the BAR and initiate major strategic and tactical change programs that will position their organizations for success.
Dr. Linda Henman is one of those rare experts who can say she’s a coach, consultant, speaker, and author. For more than 30 years, she has worked with Fortune 500 Companies and small businesses that want to think strategically, grow dramatically, promote intelligently, and compete successfully today and tomorrow. Some of her clients include Emerson Electric, Boeing, Avon and Tyson Foods. She was one of eight experts who worked directly with John Tyson after his company’s acquisition of International Beef Products, one of the most successful acquisitions of the twentieth century.
Linda holds a Ph.D. in organizational systems and two Master of Arts degrees in both interpersonal communication and organization development and a Bachelor of Science degree in communication. Whether coaching executives or members of the board, Linda offers clients coaching and consulting solutions that are pragmatic in their approach and sound in their foundation—all designed to create exceptional organizations.
She is the author of Landing in the Executive Chair: How to Excel in the Hot Seat , The Magnetic Boss: How to Become the Leader No One Wants to Leave, and contributing editor and author toSmall Group Communication, among other works.
Dr. Henman can be reached at linda@henmanperformancegroup.com
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.