What comes to mind when you think of the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Is it boring ol’ Charlie, who stays happy no matter what trials are hurled at him? Is it the wonder-filled factory that was used as a slaughterhouse for those bratty children? Is it those horrendous catchy songs sung by the Oompa-Loompas? No! It’s the charismatic and bubbly Willy Wonka, who not only instills values in children (those that survived, anyway), but can instill values in management and recruitment, too. Maren Hogan took this left-field concept and came up with several ways that recruiters can use Willy Wonka as inspiration. Here’s how:
Find the passion. Willy Wonka only released five golden tickets, which means the kids who wanted them had to seek out chocolate bars like there was no tomorrow. In the same way, recruiters should find prospective employees that show passion for the job they want.
Treat them with respect. Willy Wonka was never rude to the children that got to tour his factory, even though they were bratty enough to deserve it. In the same way, a recruiter should establish mutual trust and respect with their prospects.
Be honest. Wonka was also straightforward about every aspect of his factory: the yummy delights, and the more sinister aspects as well. Such vulnerability should be presented to make the company more authentic, which will save everyone time in the long run.
Don’t get discouraged. Even when Willy Wonka thought that none of the five children were what he was looking for, Charlie turned out to be the perfect fit. Likewise, deal-breakers may not be deal-breakers after all when it comes to the hiring process. Clear communication and negotiation are important.
So if your process of hiring workers isn’t panning out quite like you want it too, cheer up Charlie. Though fictional, Willy Wonka was one of the best recruiters imaginable, and all of his methods worked out for him in the end. It’s not just a children’s story after all.
Read all of Maren Hogan’s article here.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.