
Is Your Talent Community Worth It?

By September 10, 2013 No Comments
Magnifying glass on candidate

Along with the boom of social media, the expansion of building talent communities has come about. Now that you have developed your talent community — or maybe you are just starting to — how do you know if your talent community is actually delivering?

Magnifying glass on candidateHere are three signs that your talent community is doing what you want them to.

The cost-per-hire is in line with other hiring methods. As with any method of hiring new employees, there are direct and indirect costs associated with talent communities. If your cost-per-hire with a talent community is comparable to your other hiring methods, and assuming that the talent community is delivering similar outcomes, it would seem that your talent community is financially viable.

Time-to-hire matches or exceeds other channels. The point of your talent communities is to allow employers to extract talent when it’s needed. If it’s taking longer than expected to extract talent from your talent community, or the process goes more slowly than with other channels, it’s time to question what value the talent community is adding to your hiring process.

Quality-of-hire is comparable to other channels. Recent research has shown that the quality of hire is becoming one of the most important factors in hiring success criteria. If your talent community is delivering recruits that stand up to recruits brought in from other hiring methods, this is a good sign that your talent community is actually delivering.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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