When you’re job hunting, you are obviously looking for a job that you would enjoy doing. That dream job you’ve wanted since you were a kid.
You’ve updated your resume, rewritten your cover letter and even bought a brand new interview outfit. So did the other hundred applicants and job seekers though.
A major key to job hunting and finding a job you’ll really enjoy is networking. Network, network, network.
Don’t just find a job and apply for it. Have a strategy and do a little research.
Rather than completely being by-the-book, expand a little and delve deeper. When you find a job that you think looks interesting, don’t immediately apply for it. Research the position and see if it’s what you really want, go look at the company’s website, and see if you can contact anyone to learn more about the company and what exactly they do.
Make connections with employees, both past and present, and get some feedback about their experiences and duties at the company. Talk to the manager’s assistant, the one who knows them best, and try to gain a relationship with them. Once again, network.
By blogging or posting on the company forum and really getting yourself noticed, you can help become visible to the recruiters and employers.
Take a more unconventional approach by using these tips on your next job hunting venture.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.