Tip 1: Utilize Employee Referrals
Since you already have these great and productive employees who get the job done and fit right in with the company culture, you can utilize them even more. Employee referrals can be looked at as potential candidates and as a way to find qualified people without using a headhunter or social media. Referrals can also help to speed up the hiring process and it can give you inside knowledge about the candidate’s character, personality and work ethic, which will help you to streamline the hiring process.
Tip 2: Spend Time on the Job Description
The job description is often overlooked during the recruiting process, but it can actually be one of the most important factors when finding that ideal candidate. Some time should be spent on crafting a job description that accurately reflects the qualifications and work experience necessary to benefit your company. You should also talk about what you don’t want in a candidate if there is something particular you aren’t looking for.
Tip 3: Use Social Networks
There are a lot of social media sites out there so it can seem overwhelming, but you need to be utilizing LikedIn, Facebook, Twitter or other sites. If you aren’t, you are definitely missing out on a number of recruiting opportunities. Start by creating a good online presence with a complete company bio and contact information, you want to appear human so potential employees will feel an instant connection with your brand and company culture. You can look into applicants on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter before you bring them in for an interview.
Tip 4: Get Out of the Office
Posting a job description and then waiting for resumes to come to you is really easy, but then you aren’t guaranteed to get the best candidates. Instead, get out of the office and away from your computer so that you can go out and find the best working people out there. You can go to trade shows or conferences and talk with people or you can go to colleges and universities when they are hosting job fairs and talk to recent or upcoming graduates.
Tip 5: Stay in Contact with Candidates
There is nothing worse for a job applicant then applying for a job, going in for an interview and then not hearing from the company for weeks. Keep in touch with potential employees. If a candidate doesn’t hear back from you after a week, they might take another opportunity. So be sure to keep them informed about where in the hiring process you are. Don’t burn the bridge if you offer the job to the candidate and they turn it down either. They might end up changing their mind or position may open at your company that they would be better suited for and more excited about.
You can use these five tips for finding the best candidates out there for your company.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.