At one point in time, people typically planned on staying with the same employer for the length of their working career. Not today. Now more and more people are deciding that jobs need to change every once in awhile and they don’t have any issue with leaving a company if they need too.
There are good reasons for this. Changing jobs will give you the chance to explore something new and maybe get a trade up in regards to salary or benefits. There are still very good reasons of course to stick with the job that you have. But if any of the following are going on at your place of business, you might want to reconsider quitting.
1. A Great Work Environment
Many people are trained that jobs are not supposed to be fun or enjoyable and a lot of people don’t see a fun, emotionally fulfilling work environment or an enjoyable office culture something to look for in a job. This is a shame because a good work environment leads to higher productivity and happier employees with a higher retention rate. If you are lucky enough to like where you work, get along with your co-workers and believe in the way your company runs its business, you probably shouldn’t leave it.
2. Funded Opportunities for Ongoing Education
A great education in regards to skills that will help you stand out in your field is a wonderful tool to have at your disposal. It’s also extremely expensive though. If your company offers funded opportunities for you to continue your education into the future, you should take advantage of that. This might not be an opportunity you are given at your next place of employment if you leave.
3. Regular Pay Raises and Promotions
With many companies it can be difficult to get a decent cost of living wage on a regular basis. The same goes for offering promotions when they are due. One of the biggest reasons to remain with an employer is if that raises and chances to move up in the company are frequently and consistently offered. Most of the time, an employee who has proven they are going to be around for a while is eligible for better opportunities than newcomers are.
4. Flexible Schedules
People become busy and have to juggling more things with their careers, like their family so it is becoming more important that employers be flexible when it comes to work schedules. If your employer realizes that a 9 to 5 schedule does not work for everyone, then you are lucky. If you employer offers telecommuting work options or will let employees have a say in regards to work schedules, you should consider staying on staff.
In today’s economy, it’s really hard to come by a good job. It’s still advisable to look for something else if you are unhappy or being mistreated at your job but if you aren’t, you should stay with what you have. You might not get as lucky next time.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.