With the economy the way it is these days, it is hard to actually enjoy going to work and feel like you are part of a team and that your work is appreciated. (Unless, of course, you’ve got your dream job!)
In a recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Center for Organizational Excellence, “more than a third of surveyed U.S. workers experience chronic work stress, with low salaries, lack of opportunity for advancement and heavy workloads topping the list of contributing factors.”
Of those surveyed, 39 percent felt that they had sufficient opportunities for internal career advancement and half saying the felt valued.
Some days you walk into work, not really wanting to be there, there is that natural lack of motivation that occurs every once in a while, but it shouldn’t be ongoing.
Feeling appreciated and that you’re a part of a healthy workplace/organization is a leading factor in how hard an employer will work, based on the benefits and feedback they receive.
Along with just advancement in your career and feeling valued at work, there are other factors that contribute to workplace woes.
Women are still feeling like the “playing field” is not level with their male counterparts.
One in four of the respondents stated that their job demands interfere with home time and responsibilities outside of the workplace, and there is lack of flexibility.
Promoting a healthy workplace is key to making employees happy and having that continued motivation to want to come to work every day and actually work!
Value and appreciation go a long way!
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.