“Sea Turtle” is a business term used to describe an expat (someone who voluntarily leaves their home country) who wants to return home. These could turn out to be blessings for employers, as about one-third of them still have trouble filling vacancies. These seat turtles have gained job experience abroad and have been exposed to different cultures, languages, and work habits. Véronique Oonk wrote about how sea turtles can really benefit employers in their home countries.
Sea Turtles can fill talent shortages when they return home. And because they have gained international experience, it’s like hiring internationally without the added hassle. They will probably have a limited offline job network in their home country, so having connections abroad is a fantastic way of reaching out and connecting.
There will be a culture shock, though: Seat Turtles that have spent a great amount of time outside of their home country will likely return to a work system that is different than the one they are used to. If you plan on hiring them, you need to be ready to ease them in if you want to utilize their talents. The work that will go into helping them along, however, will produce fantastic results.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.