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hiring process Archives - Conselium Compliance Search

November 30, 2015

Successful Hiring Managers Never Fall for These Myths

By: Maurice Gilbert, Managing Partner of Conselium Executive Search You already know you need high standards when it comes to hiring the right person for the job. The best person is out there, and you won’t settle for less, right? Good for you – keep those expectations high. But what about your…
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November 12, 2014

Does “Ban the Box” Trend Doom Criminal Background Checks?

By: David B. Weisenfeld of XpertHR More than 90 percent of employers use background checks to screen job applicants at some point in the hiring process. But a new trend is placing limits on when many employers can seek criminal history information. Banning the Box The trend is called “ban…
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June 27, 2014

Isn’t the Candidate Curious?

Asking the wrong questions in an interview can put off an interviewer pretty quickly.  Hopefully candidates know to table inquiries into vacation time and compensation until the negotiation process.  Failing to ask any questions of the interviewer – or to ask enough of them – could be as bad a…
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May 8, 2014

Tips for Successful Online Interviews

Body language is key in both in-person and online job interviews.  And the same rules apply for candidates and hiring managers.  Are you interested?  Uncomfortable?  Your webcam picks up tons of nonverbal cues.  Here's a guide to knocking the online interview out of the park. Infographic courtesy of Mashable.
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May 6, 2014

How to Tell if Your Hiring Process Stinks

I’ve heard it said that unhappy customers are something like 10 times more likely than happy customers to share their experience.  That’s a disproportionate amount of negative press when it’s more likely than not that the majority of your customers are thrilled – or at least satisfied – with the…
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April 17, 2014

Simple Steps to Find Great Talent

Making the application process short and sweet, keeping job postings on brand and communicate with candidates.  Your chances of attracting top talent will go way up.  If you're still employing outdated recruiting and hiring practices, it's time for a facelift.  Check out this infographic for several other tips on sourcing…
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February 3, 2014

Staffing Trends in 2014

If you started off the new year a bit bored of the same old hiring practices or a bit concerned about your job security given increasing automation in the field, this blog’s for you.  Maren Hogan wrote last week about growing trends in staffing, and the future looks bright, my…
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January 24, 2014

How to Scare Off Top Candidates: A Primer

The most talented candidates know that interviews are a two-way street.  They’re being assessed for a fit with the prospective employer, but they’re doing some sizing up of their own.  This is so critical for interviewers and hiring managers to remember, since the company that woos the best gets the…
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salt and pepper shakers
December 5, 2013

Consider the Salt and Pepper

How concerned should we be when candidates appear overqualified?  There might be a few skeletons in their closets, yes, but it’s just as likely that you’re looking at potential employees whose only secret is that they want to forfeit a few responsibilities in the hope of working more reasonable hours.…
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July 23, 2013

Why You Should Be Conducting New Hire Surveys

You're aware that hiring and onboarding is a time consuming and expensive thing to do. But it's also the critical gateway to your organization and is one of the channels that your employer brand is communicated to candidates and the market place at large. A high-quality hiring process will support…
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