Recruiters are often found trying to improve their strategies by adding new things. New questions, new tactics, new skills, etc. But Nancy Parks recently wrote that we should be focusing on the basic, fundamental areas of recruiting first.
“I am not going to change anything. We will use the same players, the same plays, and the same training…. But we will run our plays with such precision that the other side will know what we are going to do but will not be able to stop us. We will be brilliant on the basics…”
–Vince Lombardi, Green Bay Packers’ 1959 Head Coach
Using Vince Lombardi’s successes as an example of being “brilliant on the basics,” Parks says that there are 3 fundamental areas of recruiting that recruiters should be absolutely brilliant in. They are:
- “Questioning & Listening Skills”
- “Managing Objection Skills”
- “Gaining Commitment/Influencing Skills”
So before you start embellishing your recruiting process with new, you should make sure your recruiter is varsity material. Want to know more? Contact us at Conselium today.
Read the full article here.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.