I’m a recruiter. Now that I’ve told you that, go ahead and ask me why you should use one. Believe me, I get asked this all the time, and I’m used to the protests: “We’ve always done it internally.” And, “We want to do this cheaply,” and, my personal favorite, “We’re going to put it on the job boards and see what we get, then maybe we’ll call you if we need you.”
Go ahead and protest, but I’ve spent 20 years reading resumes, representing thousands of candidates and placing executives in top posts around the globe, so I know why using a recruiter is always easier, cheaper, faster and – most important – results in the best hires. Here’s why:
Recruiters Find the Best
I know you think you can land a top candidate by posting your job online. I’m sorry, you can’t. The top performers are busy working at their current jobs – they’re not cruising LinkedIn. You’ll post your job, and you’ll get 300 resumes from unemployed, unqualified candidates. In contrast, use a recruiter and you’ll get instant access to a “hidden network” of qualified candidates who are open to change but aren’t actively looking. These are the people you want, they’re in my database and they will take my call. Your HR department is excellent – but you don’t know the people I know.
Recruiters Really Know People
If I don’t personally know a candidate, I know people who know them. I have a line on their track record, their personal history and their “skeletons.” Plus, they tell me things they won’t tell you in an interview – like why they’re really looking to make a job change and what it would take to get them to make a move. Recruiters gather intelligence and act as a negotiator to bring the parties together.
You Don’t Have Time for This
Often, by the time a company hires a recruiter, their own attempts to fill the post have failed, and they’re months behind in the process. If you use the typical formula that calculates an employee’s monetary value to his employer at three times his annual salary, then I don’t have to tell you how much money you’re losing every day the job goes unfilled (ouch). I also don’t have to tell you that your senior managers’ time is worth too much to waste it on distractions like recruiting and interviewing.
We Save You Money
When you use a recruiter, you know what your hiring costs are up front. And we work on contingency, for crying out loud. Who else does that these days? And don’t forget that we also save you money by getting it right the first time. If you hire the wrong person on your own and they leave in less than a year, you’re right back where you started. Like many recruiters, I provide a guarantee to my clients, which gives you time to evaluate your hiring decision. Hiring is risky; a guarantee protects your investment.
We Know Your Competition
Recruiters have the pulse of the industry. We know who’s doing what and who’s going where and what they’re getting paid. We help you put together the right package to convince a superstar to come to work for you.
We Can Help You Even After the Job is Filled
Why stop recruiting after you fill the job? If you and your staff focus on the core business but have a recruiter who is always looking to replace the weakest player on your team, you will be on a path to continuous improvement. Don’t hire one at a time, hire always. Recruiters allow you this potential.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the perfect “marriage” of employer and candidate. Watching companies grow and seeing professionals succeed in their careers is the most satisfying aspect of my work. I hope to hear from you soon – and yes, I’ll be happy to answer all of these questions again.
Maurice Gilbert is Managing Partner of Conselium Executive Search, which specializes in placing Compliance Officers and Legal Counsel for clients in the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific. Maurice is also CEO of Corporate Compliance Insights, a worldwide publication devoted to governance, risk and compliance issues. Maurice can be reached at maurice@conselium.com or maurice@corporatecomplianceinsights.com.