Nobody wants a hiring process that doesn’t have any thought put into it. After all, you can’t find all the top talent with a snap of your fingers. But is your process maybe too complex? A convoluted hiring process makes the task even harder to accomplish. Maren Hogan recently wrote about several attributes of the hiring process that may be a bit unnecessary.
Too many interviews. Being thorough is obviously important. But a fourth interview? Now you’re just wasting time. Don’t use interviews to delay hiring. If you feel like you need more input, consider peer interviews.
Dumb questions. No such thing as a stupid question? Maybe not, but throwing in brainteasers during an interview comes close. If you’re trying to gouge creativity, this isn’t the way to do it. If anything, they stress out a candidate even more.
Taking a long time. Pick it up. The cost of a hire shouldn’t be a reason for you not hiring at all.
References. These are not always a special view into how a candidate really works. They can be poorly chosen or may not be able to give good insight. Don’t waste too much time calling all of them.
Poor tools. Be sure you’re using good online tools (spreadsheets!) to keep track of your candidates. We’re surrounded by data, and keeping it organized is key.
Read the full article here.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.