Ah yes, the hiring process. No good business can do without it. Much ink has been spilled on how to boost the quality of your hiring process for everyone involved, but how do you speed it up without sacrificing that quality? Kazim Ledimeji wrote about several ways you can effectively speed up but stay strong. Here’s how:
Better Job Descriptions. They should be more detailed and include information on company culture, management style, and career opportunities.
Flexible Interviews. Everybody’s pressed for time nowadays, and plenty of things can conflict with your interviews. You don’t need to be wishy-washy, of course, but flexible interview schedules reduce stress for you and your candidates.
Bank of Candidates. Did you come across candidates that had very high potential but that you maligned for someone else? Keep track of those that stand out to you, and if needed, you can call on them should a vacancy ever arise.
Read the full article here.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.