Whether you’re looking for work or you’re happily employed, being able to verbalize your capabilities and potential value is a huge part of maintaining a competitive edge. This skill is essential, as so often a worker’s worth is determined by the results he or she can generate. Your manager (or your prospective employer) is far more willing to invest in you (time, resources, added responsibilities, etc.) when the risk to do so seems low!
When coupled with a record of solid performance, your capacity to recognize priorities, set goals and then achieve them may be the key thing that tips the scales in your favor. Jesse Sostrin, of Recruiter.com, outlines a three-step process for managing and evolving with change:
Pinpointing priorities is a matter of being aware of what’s going on around you in order to identify critical moments and trends. The challenge then is defining goals aligned supported by this context and aligned with the company’s vision. The final hurdle to achieving the desired outcome is closing the gap between present situation and expectation.
Among contenders for promotion or hire, all other things being comparable (performance, personality, professionalism), the candidate demonstrating a talent for recognizing challenges and opportunities and putting in place solutions – or even setting out a plan for tackling those obstacles – will stand head and shoulders above the competition.
Read more on the topic at Recruiter.com.
Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.