
Peak Work Performance Demands High Energy

By April 26, 2011 No Comments

In today’s work environment we are often asked to do more with fewer resources, especially time. There are only so many hours in the day; so addressing this issue requires us to bring more energy to the workplace. We can accomplish this by focusing on the following four factors that help determine our energy level on a daily basis:

  • Good nutrition: eat five meals a day to maintain balanced energy.  In addition to the normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner, add a light snack at mid-morning and mid-afternoon. This may consist of a piece of fruit, a small cup of yogurt or almonds.
  • Sleep: most doctors and sleep experts recommend at least seven hours of sleep per night. Proper sleep is nature’s way of allowing our bodies and minds to recover from the stressors of the day.
  • Exercise: many people make the excuse “I don’t have time” and overlook the importance of exercise. However, exercise provides you with more energy and it increases your endurance. A side benefit is also the enhanced mental state achieved by the release of mood-enhancing endorphins in the brain.
  • Relationships: developing and maintaining positive relationships at work and with family and friends provides a feeling of connectivity to the world. This in turn is a great source of energy and a positive attitude.

Entire books are written regarding good nutrition, sleep, exercise and relationships. You would be well served to incorporate these fundamentals into your life and see how it will benefit your performance at the office.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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